General Terms & Conditions

These conditions apply to all co-working locations managed by RUDLU Unipessoal LDA, a company registered in Portugal. NIPC 516730304.

The English version of this document shall prevail.
The agreements are based on memberships that give acces to certain services included in our general offers. Memberships are for the duration of the use of these services only.

Memberships and services are non-refundable even if they have not been fully used.
Phone booths (max 30 minutes)
Kitchen & appliances
Pay as you use
Washing machine
Meeting room (see vacation rules)
Lockers (when not included in a specific offer)

Activities / wellness offers different premises and services, we expect members to use all spaces with total decency and respect for all members or staff as well as good care for all amenities and premises. In case of violation of this code of conduct, access may be suspended for an unlimited period of time.

Legal action is reserved depending on gravity of violations. Suspended or cancelled memberships/bookings is reserved.

The premises are not to be used to store any luggage, would you want to do so, please ask ahead for our special storage offer. We thank you to leave your luggage at your accomodation/flat/AirBnB.
Lisbon Cowork in Graça is a workspace, while we fully understand that our members may want to rest during work hours, Lisbon-cowork premises are NOT TO BE USED FOR OVERNIGHT STAYS.<br
> Lisbon Cowork in Graça offers Silent and Quiet rooms. This measure is implemented in order to ensure every member right to their best concentration on their work. In the silent room, no calls may be taken (phone or video) and no discussions between members are permitted (there are lounges for that effect), in the quiet room, discreet conversations or low voice calls are acceptable. Please note that some scheduled hours allow for less quiet events to take place, such as sports lessons (see below)

Lisbon Cowork in Graça is located in a building where No smoking is implemented, You may smoke outside or on the terrasse but not inside the building.

Lisbon Cowork in Graça is Pets-Friendly, however, any pet that disturbs members will be required to leave the premises. Lisbon Cowork in Graça offers personal memberships, desk may not be shared with other persons unless a “shared desk” booking has been subscribed.

We take security seriously and do not accept on premises persons who are not fully identified. In addition to this point, it must be noted that keys that are given are for personal use and must not be given to any one else (these keys must be returned on departure) and access codes are strictly personal too.

24/7 Access is only possible for long term members (from one month onwards)
With the exception of services provided by external persons (such as training, yoga, massages) ALL SERVICES offered by must be booked & paid online via the platform/website.
Bookings cancelled less than 5 business days prior to first booked date are non refundable. All cancellations will be subject to an administrative fee of 15€.
Would you require an invoice, please request an official invoice (those sent by email are preliminary). A valid Fiscal identification number will be required.

In case of use of a service without prior booking, Lisbon-cowork will invoice (POST-BILLING). The client must settle such an invoice within 24 hours. In case such a post-bill is not settled, Lisbon-cowork / RUDLU Unip. LDA reserves their right to cancel all other services or limit access to the premises.
In case of closure (full or part) of the premises due to administrative, legal, hand of god or sanitory reasons, memberships that cannot be used will be suspended but not reimbursed
Members and other visitors are made aware that the premises are under permanent & recorded video camera surveillance in accordance with Portuguese laws.

Details of operation and reponsible operator are displayed on the main door window.

This site is owned and operated by RUDLU Unipessoal LDA